Friday, 22 January 2021

Powershell Script to move disabled servers in Active Directory to the particular disabled server OU in Bulk


This Script will help to move all the disabled Servers from Server OU to another OU.
Below is just an example... that will be where you put the systems you want to Disable and Move to "Disabled Workstations". All you will have to do for the input file is copy the Distinguished Name column data for the records you want to process into the file and save the file in the same folder as the script.
Example:- CN=ServerName,OU=Computers,OU=001,OU=Servers,DC=test,DC=com

Syntax Used in Script below

Domain Controller Name - DC1
Domain Name - 
OU to Move disabled servers - Disabled Workstations


#                                                                                                #
# Script to disable AD computer objects and move them to a Disabled OU                           #
#                                                                                                #
#                    Created by                      #
#       ##################################################################################################
#                                                                                                #
#  Must be run with Admin account                                                                 #
#  Input file must have unique Distinguished Name data on each line. No headers or blank lines   #
#  Anything written to the Failed log will need to be addressed manually.                        #
#                                                                                                #    

############### Input required below ###############

$WorkingPath = $PSScriptRoot #Get-Location
$ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
$ScriptName = $ScriptName.Substring(0,$ScriptName.Length-4)
$LogPath = "$WorkingPath\logs"
$InputFile = "$WorkingPath\$($ScriptName)_Input.txt"
$TestSuccess = "True" #Setting this to anything but True will increase the speed of the script but with less validation
$DC = "DC1"

####### Dont change anything below this line #######

# Create LogPath if it doesn't exist #
If(!(Test-Path $LogPath))
      New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $LogPath | Out-Null

$DataInput = Get-Content -Path "$InputFile"
#Write-Host $ObjectNames
$LogTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd_HHmm"
#Write-Host $LogTime
$SuccessLog = "$($logpath)\$($ScriptName)_Success_$($LogTime).txt"
#Write-Host $SuccessLog
$FailedLog = "$($logpath)\$($ScriptName)_Failed_$($LogTime).txt"
#Write-Host $FailedLog
$FullLog = "$($logpath)\$($ScriptName)_Full_$($LogTime).txt"
#Write-Host $FullLog
$CreateLog = Add-Content -Path $SuccessLog -Value "Computername;Disabled;Moved" #;IP static;IP DHCP;Identical or Not;Info DNS;Info DHCP"
$CreateLog1 = Add-Content -Path $FailedLog -Value "Computername;IP;Status"

Start-Transcript -path "$FullLog" -append | Out-Null

Write-Host `n
Write-Host "===================================================================="
Write-Host `n

foreach ($Object in $DataInput){
    Write-Host "Processing $Object"
    Write-Host `n

    if ($TestSuccess -eq "True"){
        $ObjectSplit = $Object -split(",")
        $ObjectName = ($ObjectSplit[0]).Substring(3,$ObjectSplit[0].length-3)

        if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $ObjectName -Count 1 -Quiet) { # If host is pingable skip it
            # Ping Test and collect current IP for log file #
            $ipV4 = Test-Connection -ComputerName $ObjectName -Count 1 | Select -ExpandProperty IPV4Address
            Write-Host "$ObjectName is pingable. Checking..."  -ForegroundColor Yellow
            $CompareName = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByAddress($ipV4).HostName

            If ($ObjectName -eq $CompareName.Substring(0,$ObjectName.Length)){
                Write-Host "$($ObjectName);$($ipV4);Object pingable and verified, please review. Not processed." -ForegroundColor Red
                Add-Content -Path $Failedlog -Value "$($ObjectName);$($ipV4);Object pingable so skipped, please review."
            } else {
                Write-Host "Pinged IP does not match this system. Continuing..."  -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Disable-ADAccount -Identity $Object -Server $DC
                Write-Host "$ObjectName Disabled and will be verified."  -ForegroundColor Green

                if ((Get-ADComputer -Identity $Object -Server $DC).Enabled -eq "True"){
                    $Enabled = "Enabled"
                } else {
                    $Enabled = "Disabled"
                Move-ADObject –Identity $Object -TargetPath "OU=Disabled Workstations,DC=test,DC=com" -Server $DC
                Write-Host "$ObjectName Moved to Disabled Workstations and will be verified." -ForegroundColor Green            
                if ($Var = Get-ADComputer -filter "Name -eq '$ObjectName'" -SearchBase "OU=Disabled Workstations,DC=test,DC=com" -Server $DC){
                    $Moved = "Moved"
                } else {
                    $Moved = "Not Moved"
            Write-Host `n
            Write-Host "$($ObjectName);$($Enabled);$($Moved)"

        } else {
            Disable-ADAccount -Identity $Object -Server $DC
            Write-Host "$ObjectName Disabled and will be verified."  -ForegroundColor Green

            if ((Get-ADComputer -Identity $Object -Server $DC).Enabled -eq "True"){
                $Enabled = "Enabled"
            } else {
                $Enabled = "Disabled"
            Move-ADObject –Identity $Object -TargetPath "OU=Disabled Workstations,DC=oiiad,DC=com" -Server $DC
            Write-Host "$ObjectName Moved to Disabled Workstations and will be verified." -ForegroundColor Green            

            if ($Var = Get-ADComputer -filter "Name -eq '$ObjectName'" -SearchBase "OU=Disabled Workstations,DC=oiiad,DC=com" -Server $DC){
                $Moved = "Moved"
            } else {
                $Moved = "Not Moved"
            Write-Host `n
            Write-Host "$($ObjectName);$($Enabled);$($Moved)"
    } else {
        $Enabled = "Disabled but Not Verified"
        $Moved = "Moved but Not Verified"
            Disable-ADAccount -Identity $Object
            Write-Host "$ObjectName Disabled and will NOT be verified." -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Move-ADObject –Identity $Object -TargetPath "OU=Disabled Workstations,DC=test,DC=com"
            Write-Host "$ObjectName Moved to Disabled Workstations and will NOT be verified." -ForegroundColor Yellow

    Write-Host `n
    Write-Host "===================================================================="
    Write-Host `n
    Add-Content -Path $Successlog -Value "$($Object);$($Enabled);$($Moved)"

#Write-Host `n
Write-Host All computers in list are processed, see log files for more information
Write-Host `n

Stop-Transcript | out-null


Friday, 8 January 2021

Syncing Chrome Bookmarks to Edge


Bookmarks are links that allow you to access your favorite web pages quickly and easily. This feature is standard in all modern browsers. Google Chrome allows you export bookmarks locally. Below is a guide on how to back up and restore your chrome bookmarks to Microsoft Edge. 


(Preferred method) Sync Chrome data to Microsoft Edge

1. Launch MS Edge and click Sign in to sync data.


2. Select your preferred user account to sync and click Continue. 


3. Click Customize sync settings to view preferred items to sync. 


4. Click Apply to accept items to sync. 



5. Click Confirm to sync browser data on all your devices.


6. Congratulations! You have successfully synced your profile settings with MS Edge.


Import Google Chrome bookmarks and settings, to Microsoft Edge

1. Launch MS Edge and Click on more options in the top right-hand corner of MS Edge.

2. Click on settings.


3. Click Profiles from the Settings panel.


Note: Verify that your account is signed in.

4. Click Import browser data.

5. Select Google Chrome from the drop-down list.


Note: Verify that the settings, extensions, favorites, or books check boxes are checked before continuing.

6. Scroll down and click Import.

7. Congratulations! You have successfully synced your profile settings with MS Edge.

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